Curating a beautiful dahlia collection suited for cutting and floral design.
Hi, Christine here. I’m a former IT executive, now retired, and spending my time on our 18-acre property in southern Rhode Island gardening, tending flowers, native plants, honeybees, my greenhouse and especially dahlias. I’ve grown dahlias for several years now, and I have developed a small collection of my favorites for their beauty in the garden and floral design (although some more exotic cultivars slip through!). Each year, I have extra dahlias to spread around via tuber trading or through dahlia tuber sales.
Tailwind Farm is a small farm that deliberately remains a very small-scale enterprise. The farm is not open to the public.
Memberships and Accomplishments:
Rhode Island Dahlia Society former Treasurer and Board Member
American Dahlia Society - 2022 Candidate Judge
RI Wild Plant Society member
2022 Joan Additon Floral Excellence Award at Rhode Island Dahlia Society Show